What To Do With Your Keys When Surfing?

Where should you put your keys when you go surfing?

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of catching a wave, feeling the sun on your skin, and enjoying the fresh ocean breeze.

When it comes to surfing, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. You’ll need your board, sunscreen, and plenty of water… but don’t forget about your keys! It can be a pain trying to figure out where you should put them while you hit the waves.

Whether it’s your car keys or a set of house keys, it’s never fun hunting for them after an afternoon session.

Sure, you could leave them on the beach, but that might not be the safest place for them. To make matters worse, criminals are aware that this is a vulnerable area and have taken advantage of it.

So what should you do with your keys while you are surfing? We got the answers for you — read on for some tips on where you should put your keys while enjoying some surf time.

But first, we’ll start with that:

What NOT To Do With Your Keys When Surfing

If you came by car to the beach, don’t make the mistake of leaving your keys on a tire, or hiding them in shrubbery near your car.

And whatever you do, stay away from locking your key inside one of those Masterlock stashes – they can be broken into within mere seconds! There are plenty of YouTube videos just for the sake of breaking them.

And for any type of keys, such as your home keys, don’t hide them either anywhere in public and protect yourself.

Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity around you when storing important items like keys.

Ultimately, it is your decision whether you want to take the risk of being seen while stashing away your keys.

The possibility may be more remote at hidden breaks than in public spots such as some local beach breaks in San Francisco; however, discretion should always be exercised whenever possible.

Now we know what we should avoid, let’s look at some better ways to store your keys.

The Beach Lockers

Beach lockers are a great solution for keeping your keys safe while you enjoy some surf time.

These days, many beaches have lockers available for rent, they can provide a secure and convenient place to store your valuables while you hit the waves, protecting them from both thieves and the elements.

Drop your belongings in one of these lockers and forget about them until you’re ready to finish your session.

Essentially you’re replacing one key with another – your locker key vs. your house/car keys. But in most cases, those beach locker keys are very minimal, as opposed to your sophisticated electric home/car keys.

Nothing will happen to them in the water but you need to make sure you have a pocket to carry them.

The Buddy

If you don’t want to rent a beach locker, ask one of your surfing buddies if they can watch your stuff while you go out and surf.

The safest and most dependable way of storing your keys is with a trusted friend or family member who is obviously not in the water.

That way, you can come off the break and grab them without worrying about anyone stealing them.

This is a great solution for those of us blessed with friends who live near the ocean is to leave them a spare key, though this isn’t possible for everyone.

You could also ask a friend to come surfing with you while you guys surfing in rotation, that way you can leave your keys with them when you go into the water, and you can do the same for them.

Equipment With Pockets

Nowadays, a majority of wetsuit tops come equipped with zipper pockets that can store small items such as keys.

To guarantee their safety, purchase a waterproof case so they won’t get wet or damaged. If these are home keys, I believe you won’t need such things and they could get exposed to water for this period of time without trouble.

But most importantly, make sure you zip them all the way before catching some waves, or they are not practically safe.

What if you’re surfing in the summer or simply don’t need a wetsuit? Even better! You can just buy a boardshorts with pockets.

Also here, make sure they are tucked in and zipped all the way when you jump in the water, just to be safe and you’re good to go.

The Lifeguard Stand

Another option is to ask the lifeguard if they can hang onto your keys while you hit the waves. It is an option if there are no lockers available and you don’t want to risk losing your keys while surfing.

However, not all lifeguards will be happy to hold your keys, so that really depends on the location. Definitely give it a try and if they agree, be sure to thank them afterward.

Stash Them In The Nearest Local Shop

As a loyal patron of the local coffee shop, beach bar, or after-session restaurant; why not ask them to store your keys in a secure location?

All you need to do is make sure there’s an established rapport with whoever you give your keys to.

It would be even better if they were well-known staff members who have been working for some time and are well-aware about whom exactly can be trusted with such responsibility.

Additionally, inquire whether or not they possess a lock box or safe available – as it’s quite common practice.

Don’t Bring Keys At All

If all else fails, maybe you should simply leave your keys at home and avoid the hassle altogether!

Are you living near the beach? Can you just jump over and back without having to worry about your car or home keys?

There are plenty of beaches that don’t require cars to access them, so if that’s an option for you, use public transportation and minimize the overall risk of losing your keys.

In regards to your home keys – ask your family members or roommates if they would stay home for that period of time, and then you won’t need to worry about your keys at all!


Having a secure place for your keys when surfing is essential. There are numerous options available, depending on the location and what you feel comfortable with.

Make sure you don’t do any thoughtless moves in regard to your keys or you might lose them.

Don’t hide them anywhere, don’t use low-quality waterproof cases or locks, and always make sure you are comfortable with where you left them.

Make sure to check out beforehand if there’s any storage service available in the area. Also, consider the different options above, I’m sure you’ll find the right one for you.