The Complete Guide on How to Get Into Surfing

How to get into surfing? The complete guide

Are you ready to take the plunge and learn how to surf? Whether you’re an avid water baby or a total land lubber, surfing can offer a great way to get out and explore the ocean whilst getting a good workout.

But starting from zero is hard, especially when you have so many open questions — How do you start? How long till you get good? Are you too young or old to begin? What equipment is needed and where should you surf?

Fortunately, we got you. We have the answers to your most-asked questions. Ready to hang ten? This is how to start rolling, here we go!

Get The Right Board

Surfing without a board is like trying to drive a car without wheels, watch a movie without a screen, or make a sandwich without bread.

In order to ensure an enjoyable experience, it’s important to pick the right board for your skill level.

For beginners, the best option is a longboard or “foamie” – these are soft, foam boards (also: softboard) that are durable, easy to manage, and easy to catch waves with.

A longboard is relatively wide and has a lot of surface area making it easier for beginners to get up and stand on the board.

It is a great option as it’s easier to balance and you can ride a variety of waves with it. When starting out, choose an 8-10 ft board.

For intermediate surfers — if you’ve been surfing for a while and are looking to take your skills to the next level, you may want to consider a shortboard.

These boards are generally smaller and more agile than longboards, allowing for more advanced maneuvers and higher performance surfing.

It’s important to choose a board that is appropriate for your size and ability – a board that is too big or too small can be difficult to ride.

Start With Smaller Waves

After you found the right surfboard and you’re ready to ride the waves, the next step to get into surfing is to find a great surfing spot to do it.

It can be daunting facing down massive waves when you’re just starting out, so try practicing on smaller ones first, those are the best I love it to this day.

The best places for surfing are usually those with consistent waves as these waves are generally easier to predict and ride, so look for a beach that has a steady swell around your location.

Small waves are easier to catch as they move slowly and are more forgiving, and this will help you learn the basics and get comfortable with the motions of the waves.

Always pay attention to the size of the wave and the power of the current, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, it would be a good idea to paddle out.

Try to search online for these parameters next to your location and I’m sure there’s something around you (unless you are landlocked, but that’s another story).

How Many Days to Learn Surfing?

We’ve been asked this question several times, but imagine asking the same question about swimming.

You can have a natural skill for swimming, but there’s a lot to learn to swim properly. And the same goes for surfing — there’s a lot to learn before you can surf well, so you probably won’t be able to surf properly in days.

However, some people may pick up the basics in just a few days, while others may take weeks or even months.

The more time you spend in the water, the better your skills will become and the easier it will be for you to catch waves.

If you want to make sure your technique is good, you can take lessons from qualified instructors who can give you tips on how to properly approach each wave or even a buddy that already knows how to surf.

How Long Will It Take Me to Learn How to Surf?

So learning how to surf in days is not quite possible as there’s a lot to learn. But how long will it take?

Well, everyone learns at a different pace. Some people pick up surfing quickly, while others need more time and patience.

On average, though, you can expect to spend about two weeks learning the basics of surfing before you’re ready to ride the waves well.

This includes practicing on land the required skills for surfing as well as in the ocean by yourself, with an instructor, or with a surfer buddy.

Of course, depending on your skill level, some people may need less or more time than this estimate.

How Long to Get Good at Surfing?

So you already know the basics, and you do it kinda well. Now the question remains, how long will it take you to consider yourself good at surfing?

I have to admit, when I first started to surf, people started to ask if I’m surfing. I wasn’t very good at the start, so I couldn’t say that I’m a surfer. I didn’t feel confident in it.

Getting good at surfing can vary widely depending on factors such as your natural ability, dedication to practice, and the time and resources you’re able to put into it.

Again, some people may progress quickly and start catching small waves within a few sessions, while others may take longer to develop the strength and technique needed to shred.

Generally speaking, it ranges from just a few months to years before you feel confident in your skills and are considered good at surfing.

The key is building confidence by having fun — keep practicing and challenging yourself with new techniques at your own pace without putting too much pressure on yourself.

What Are The Different Levels In Surfing?

Now you’re ready to take the plunge and hit the waves, but you’re curious about the different levels of surfing. What should you answer people when they ask about your surfing level?

Level 1 – Beginner

You have never been on a board before, but you have always wanted to give it a try. You don’t know the basics or the surfing etiquette.

Level 2 – Novice

You have gained some proficiency in surfing, or you are a seasoned surfer and are able to catch roughly one out of every three waves in a set, riding them gracefully into the shore.

You feel confident in catching waves but even so, you may still find yourself needing a bit of help now and again.

You might as well surfed a few times a while back, or a lot in the past but didn’t surf in the last few years and you were able to catch waves.

Level 3 – Intermediate

You can now paddle into the deep, riding through broken waves and effortlessly catching waves easily.

There may be times when you need a bit of help getting into the wave, determining your line-up position, or selecting the right wave. You have a good understanding of turning and trimming along the wave.

Level 4 – Advanced

You’ve been surfing for at least a few years and are fully capable of turning, performing maneuvers, and even more complicated skills.

You have mastered all the basics and beyond — there’s no limit to what kind of tricks or maneuvers you can attempt.

Level 5 – Competition

At this level, you’re probably at the top and you are most likely a pro athlete (or a pure athlete).

You are capable of competing in any wave conditions and performing complex maneuvers with ease.

You have mastered all the surfing techniques and knowledge needed to compete at the highest level.

By now, you should be able to answer confidently what level surfer you are and should never feel embarrassed about your surfing skills.

How Old Do You Need To Be To Start Surfing?

If you’re an adult or a kid and want to start surfing you can do it at in age. Yes, you can start surfing at the age of 30, 40, 50, and even 80.

Legendary surfers such as Woody Brown and John H. “Doc” Ball continued to ride waves until their late 80s, proving that age is no barrier when it comes to surfing.

However, if you have a child or a nephew that wants to start surfing, it’s safe to say that they should start at the age of 8 years old.

There are children who are eager and excited to hit the water, and with proper instruction and safety precautions, they are starting as early as the age of 3.

But most kids may not have the strength or coordination necessary for catching waves safely and consistently – learning these skills requires patience, dedication, and practice.

If your small little fellow kid does decide they want to give surfing a try earlier than 8 years old, make sure they have a life jacket on at all times just in case they need any extra help staying afloat.


This is it, you now have all the knowledge of how to get into surfing and all the related answers to the most asked questions accompanied with it.

The most important thing to remember is that surfing is a way to have fun, relax and bond with nature.

No matter your age, your level, or the thought of when you will become good — just start with the process and I guarantee you will have an amazing time.